The combination of monochromatic color is perfect for those who unconfident to apply bold colors in the bedroom. Just believe that the color will not get out of date. Some people do not apply bold colors in their bedroom as they unable to find the perfect combination or, as mentioned before, they are unconfident to bring bold colors in the room. The easiest and most appropriate solution is to adopt a monochromatic color combination. The combination will not get the wrong colors. However, it provides the timeless appearance in the bedroom.
Monochromatic colors blend are combination of various colors with similar tone in different levels of intensity. For instance, it enables to use the combination of colors ranging from dark brown, brown, beige to yellow. The combination of these colors brings warmth ambiance and comfort that is suitable for bedroom where a place for resting. It allows using neutral color such as white or gray to avoid the monotonous of appearance in the bedroom. Do not forget to match it with furniture colors. Commonly wood furniture colors are available in various brown colors thus ease to match it with the main color. Otherwise, other furniture like rattan furniture will provide the natural looks either match with the main color.
Monochromatic color allows us to integrate with other colors. In addition, by selecting colors in single tone, avoid in getting the wrong colors combination. Monochromatic colors also tend to be more harmonious. The first step to apply the color combination, determine the theme or impression that you want applied. For example, choose a color that represents about calm impression, such as blue to give the impression of calm in the bedroom. Mix it with other items in similar blue color tone. Blue and green can be an option. As a complement, choose neutral colors like white or gray.